Teamwork Under the CDR flag

Bold moves by community minded music lovers, does good. The first Cali Dubstep Republic fundraiser was great! So many new faces. Smiling dancing enjoyment conversation. The sound was spot on for many of the sets. I had a personal breakthrough by using my new Eee Asus netbook to dj with Serato. It worked out well. I had a blast seeing everybody in the SF Dusbtep/Blap/Lazer/Bass scene work together to raise money for the first Dubstep float in a local parade. I'm just just gonna say that the ideas are big, hopes are high, and the sound will be the banging. Great sets from Mercedes (Subwize- SC), True Force, DJG, and I'm sure the rest wowed the crowd. I swear every time I go out to play or play I always see lots of new faces. More fundraisers are coming up so keep your eyes on or Dubstep Forum for details. They will be going on all summer long, with great local and out of town talent. It stands to be a great few months of real effort and music.
Plug thine self be true. Upcoming gigs and shows:
